outp_data::orqdat Type Reference
Collaboration diagram for outp_data::orqdat:

Public Attributes

character(len=4) rqtype
character(len=8) psname
integer, dimension(4) oqi
real, dimension(2) oqr
integer, dimension(:), pointer ivtyp
real, dimension(:), pointer fac
type(orqdat), pointer nextorq

Member Data Documentation

real, dimension(:), pointer outp_data::orqdat::fac
integer, dimension(:), pointer outp_data::orqdat::ivtyp
type(orqdat), pointer outp_data::orqdat::nextorq
integer, dimension(4) outp_data::orqdat::oqi
real, dimension(2) outp_data::orqdat::oqr
character (len=8) outp_data::orqdat::psname
character (len=4) outp_data::orqdat::rqtype

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