mod_time Module Reference

Data Types

interface  abs
interface  assignment(=)
interface  days2time
interface  mod
interface  operator(*)
interface  operator(+)
interface  operator(-)
interface  operator(/)
interface  operator(/=)
interface  operator(<)
interface  operator(<=)
interface  operator(==)
interface  operator(>)
interface  operator(>=)
interface  seconds2time
type  time


type(time) function abs_time (A)
type(time) function modulo_time (A, B)
type(time) function days2time_dbl (DAYS)
type(time) function days2time_int (DAYS)
type(time) function days2time_lint (DAYS)
type(time) function days2time_flt (DAYS)
type(time) function seconds2time_dbl (SECS)
type(time) function seconds2time_int (SECS)
type(time) function seconds2time_lint (SECS)
type(time) function seconds2time_flt (SECS)
integer function time2ncitime (MJD, RJD, D, MS)
type(time) function ncitime (D, MS)
subroutine adjust (MJD)
type(time) function read_time (timestr, status, TZONE)
type(time) function time_zone (TZONE, status)
logical function is_valid_timezone (timezone)
type(time) function read_datetime (timestr, frmt, TZONE, status)
character(len=80) function write_datetime (mjdin, prec, TZONE)
type(time) function get_now ()
real(dp) function seconds (MJD)
real(dp) function days (MJD)
type(time) function int_x_time (int, MJD)
type(time) function long_x_time (long, MJD)
type(time) function time_x_int (MJD, int)
type(time) function time_x_long (MJD, long)
type(time) function time_x_flt (MJD, flt)
type(time) recursive function time_x_dbl (MJD, dbl)
type(time) function flt_x_time (flt, MJD)
type(time) function dbl_x_time (dbl, MJD)
type(time) function time_div_int (MJD, int)
type(time) function time_div_long (MJD, long)
type(time) function time_div_flt (MJD, flt)
type(time) function time_div_dbl (MJD, dbl)
type(time) function add_time (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1)) add_time_1 (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1)) add_time_1a (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time2)) add_time_a1 (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1, 1), size(time1, 2)) add_time_2 (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1, 1), size(time1, 2)) add_time_2a (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time2, 1), size(time2, 2)) add_time_a2 (time1, time2)
type(time) function subtract_time (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1)) subtract_time_1 (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time2)) subtract_time_1a (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1)) subtract_time_a1 (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1, 1), size(time1, 2)) subtract_time_2 (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1, 1), size(time1, 2)) subtract_time_2a (time1, time2)
type(time) function, dimension(size(time2, 1), size(time2, 2)) subtract_time_a2 (time1, time2)
subroutine assign_time (A, B)
logical function le_time (time1, time2)
logical function lt_time (time1, time2)
logical function eq_time (time1, time2)
logical function ne_time (time1, time2)
logical function ge_time (time1, time2)
logical function gt_time (time1, time2)
subroutine print_time (mjd, IPT, char)
subroutine print_real_time (mjd, IPT, char, TZONE)
subroutine now_2_month_days (TTime, Pyear, Pmonth, Pmdays)
subroutine now_2_days_test


integer, parameter itime = SELECTED_INT_KIND(18)
integer mpi_time
integer(itime), parameter spd = 86400
integer(itime), parameter mspd = spd * 1000
integer(itime), parameter muspd = mspd * 1000
integer(itime), parameter million = 10**6

Function/Subroutine Documentation

type(time) function mod_time::abs_time ( type(time), intent(in)  A)

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::add_time ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function, dimension(size(time1)) mod_time::add_time_1 ( type(time), dimension(:), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), dimension(:), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1)) mod_time::add_time_1a ( type(time), dimension(:), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1,1),size(time1,2)) mod_time::add_time_2 ( type(time), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1,1),size(time1,2)) mod_time::add_time_2a ( type(time), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function, dimension(size(time2)) mod_time::add_time_a1 ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), dimension(:), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function, dimension(size(time2,1),size(time2,2)) mod_time::add_time_a2 ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  time2 
subroutine mod_time::adjust ( type(time MJD)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_time::assign_time ( type(time), intent(out)  A,
type(time), intent(in)  B 
real(dp) function mod_time::days ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::days2time_dbl ( real(dp), intent(in)  DAYS)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::days2time_flt ( real(spa), intent(in)  DAYS)

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::days2time_int ( integer, intent(in)  DAYS)
type(time) function mod_time::days2time_lint ( integer(itime), intent(in)  DAYS)
type(time) function mod_time::dbl_x_time ( real(dp), intent(in)  dbl,
type(time), intent(in)  MJD 
logical function mod_time::eq_time ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::flt_x_time ( real(spa), intent(in)  flt,
type(time), intent(in)  MJD 
logical function mod_time::ge_time ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function mod_time::get_now ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

logical function mod_time::gt_time ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function mod_time::int_x_time ( integer, intent(in)  int,
type(time), intent(in)  MJD 

Here is the call graph for this function:

logical function mod_time::is_valid_timezone ( character(len=*), intent(in)  timezone)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

logical function mod_time::le_time ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function mod_time::long_x_time ( integer(itime), intent(in)  long,
type(time), intent(in)  MJD 

Here is the call graph for this function:

logical function mod_time::lt_time ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function mod_time::modulo_time ( type(time), intent(in)  A,
type(time), intent(in)  B 

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::ncitime ( integer, intent(in)  D,
integer, intent(in)  MS 
logical function mod_time::ne_time ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine mod_time::now_2_days_test ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine mod_time::now_2_month_days ( type(time), intent(in)  TTime,
integer, intent(out)  Pyear,
integer, intent(out)  Pmonth,
integer, intent(out)  Pmdays 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_time::print_real_time ( type(time), intent(in)  mjd,
integer, intent(in)  IPT,
character(len=*), intent(in)  char,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  TZONE 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_time::print_time ( type(time), intent(in)  mjd,
integer, intent(in)  IPT,
character(len=*), intent(in)  char 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::read_datetime ( character(len=*)  timestr,
character(len=*), intent(in)  frmt,
character(len=*), intent(in)  TZONE,
integer, intent(out)  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::read_time ( character(len=*)  timestr,
integer  status,
character(len=*), intent(in), optional  TZONE 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real(dp) function mod_time::seconds ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::seconds2time_dbl ( real(dp), intent(in)  SECS)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::seconds2time_flt ( real(spa), intent(in)  SECS)

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::seconds2time_int ( integer, intent(in)  SECS)

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::seconds2time_lint ( integer(itime), intent(in)  SECS)

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::subtract_time ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function, dimension(size(time1)) mod_time::subtract_time_1 ( type(time), dimension(:), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), dimension(:), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function, dimension(size(time2)) mod_time::subtract_time_1a ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), dimension(:), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1,1),size(time1,2)) mod_time::subtract_time_2 ( type(time), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1,1),size(time1,2)) mod_time::subtract_time_2a ( type(time), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function, dimension(size(time1)) mod_time::subtract_time_a1 ( type(time), dimension(:), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), intent(in)  time2 
type(time) function, dimension(size(time2,1),size(time2,2)) mod_time::subtract_time_a2 ( type(time), intent(in)  time1,
type(time), dimension(:,:), intent(in)  time2 
integer function mod_time::time2ncitime ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD,
type(time), intent(in)  RJD,
integer, intent(out)  D,
integer, intent(out)  MS 
type(time) function mod_time::time_div_dbl ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD,
real(dp), intent(in)  dbl 
type(time) function mod_time::time_div_flt ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD,
real(spa), intent(in)  flt 
type(time) function mod_time::time_div_int ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD,
integer, intent(in)  int 
type(time) function mod_time::time_div_long ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD,
integer(itime), intent(in)  long 
type(time) recursive function mod_time::time_x_dbl ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD,
real(dp), intent(in)  dbl 

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::time_x_flt ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD,
real(spa), intent(in)  flt 
type(time) function mod_time::time_x_int ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD,
integer, intent(in)  int 

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::time_x_long ( type(time), intent(in)  MJD,
integer(itime), intent(in)  long 

Here is the call graph for this function:

type(time) function mod_time::time_zone ( character(len=*), intent(in)  TZONE,
integer, intent(out)  status 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

character(len=80) function mod_time::write_datetime ( type(time), intent(in)  mjdin,
integer, intent(in)  prec,
character(len=*), intent(in)  TZONE 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

integer, parameter mod_time::itime = SELECTED_INT_KIND(18)
integer(itime), parameter mod_time::million = 10**6
integer mod_time::mpi_time
integer(itime), parameter mod_time::mspd = spd * 1000
integer(itime), parameter mod_time::muspd = mspd * 1000
integer(itime), parameter mod_time::spd = 86400