mod_obcreate Module Reference
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | get_commandline (CVS_ID, CVS_Date, CVS_Name, CVS_Revision) |
subroutine | myhelptxt |
subroutine | read_namelist |
subroutine | open_files |
subroutine | open_elv_source |
subroutine | open_ts_source |
subroutine | allocate_space |
subroutine | get_obc_types |
subroutine | set_dimensions |
subroutine | read_spectral |
subroutine | write_spectral |
subroutine | read_old_julian |
subroutine | write_julian |
subroutine | create_spectral |
subroutine | create_julian |
subroutine | read_old_ts |
subroutine | allocate_ts |
subroutine | set_obc_depth |
subroutine | create_ts |
subroutine | write_tsobc |
subroutine | read_tidal_components |
Variables | |
real(sp), parameter | s2 =43200.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter | m2 =44712.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter | n2 =45570.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter | k2 =43082.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter | k1 =86164.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter | p1 =86637.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter | o1 =92950.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter | q1 =96726.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter | s2_eqi_amp =0.112743_sp |
real(sp), parameter | m2_eqi_amp =0.242334_sp |
real(sp), parameter | n2_eqi_amp =0.046397_sp |
real(sp), parameter | k2_eqi_amp =0.030684_sp |
real(sp), parameter | k1_eqi_amp =0.141565_sp |
real(sp), parameter | p1_eqi_amp =0.046848_sp |
real(sp), parameter | o1_eqi_amp =0.100661_sp |
real(sp), parameter | q1_eqi_amp =0.019273_sp |
real(sp), parameter | s2_eqi_beta =0.693_SP |
real(sp), parameter | m2_eqi_beta =0.693_SP |
real(sp), parameter | n2_eqi_beta =0.693_SP |
real(sp), parameter | k2_eqi_beta =0.693_SP |
real(sp), parameter | k1_eqi_beta =0.736_SP |
real(sp), parameter | p1_eqi_beta =0.706_SP |
real(sp), parameter | o1_eqi_beta =0.695_SP |
real(sp), parameter | q1_eqi_beta =0.695_SP |
character(len=120) | fname |
character(len=80) | elevation_source_type |
character(len=80) | elevation_source_file |
character(len=80) | ts_source_type |
character(len=80) | ts_source_file |
character(len=80) | time_origin |
integer, parameter | elvunit = 101 |
integer, parameter | tsunit = 102 |
type(ncdim), pointer | dim_tidal_components |
type(time), save | now |
type(time), save | start |
type(time), save | step |
integer | ncomps |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | eref |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | eperiod |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable | eamp |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable | ephase |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | eqi_amp |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | eqi_beta |
character(len=160) | comments |
character(len=160) | components |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable | elevation |
integer | ntimes |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable | obc_zz |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable | obc_z |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | obc_h |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | obc_x |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | obc_y |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable | obc_depth |
real(sp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | obc_temp |
real(sp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable | obc_salt |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | times |
type(time), dimension(:), allocatable | mjds |
Function/Subroutine Documentation
subroutine mod_obcreate::allocate_space | ( | ) |
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::allocate_ts | ( | ) |
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::create_julian | ( | ) |
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::create_spectral | ( | ) |
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::create_ts | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::get_commandline | ( | character(len=*), intent(in) | CVS_ID, |
character(len=*), intent(in) | CVS_Date, | ||
character(len=*), intent(in) | CVS_Name, | ||
character(len=*), intent(in) | CVS_Revision | ||
) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::get_obc_types | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::myhelptxt | ( | ) |
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::open_elv_source | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::open_files | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::open_ts_source | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::read_namelist | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::read_old_julian | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::read_old_ts | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::read_spectral | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::read_tidal_components | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::set_dimensions | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::set_obc_depth | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::write_julian | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::write_spectral | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine mod_obcreate::write_tsobc | ( | ) |
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
Variable Documentation
character(len=160) mod_obcreate::comments |
character(len=160) mod_obcreate::components |
type(ncdim), pointer mod_obcreate::dim_tidal_components |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mod_obcreate::eamp |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mod_obcreate::elevation |
character(len=80) mod_obcreate::elevation_source_file |
character(len=80) mod_obcreate::elevation_source_type |
integer, parameter mod_obcreate::elvunit = 101 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable mod_obcreate::eperiod |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mod_obcreate::ephase |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable mod_obcreate::eqi_amp |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable mod_obcreate::eqi_beta |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable mod_obcreate::eref |
character(len=120) mod_obcreate::fname |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::k1 =86164.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::k1_eqi_amp =0.141565_sp |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::k1_eqi_beta =0.736_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::k2 =43082.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::k2_eqi_amp =0.030684_sp |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::k2_eqi_beta =0.693_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::m2 =44712.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::m2_eqi_amp =0.242334_sp |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::m2_eqi_beta =0.693_SP |
type(time), dimension(:), allocatable mod_obcreate::mjds |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::n2 =45570.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::n2_eqi_amp =0.046397_sp |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::n2_eqi_beta =0.693_SP |
integer mod_obcreate::ncomps |
type(time), save mod_obcreate::now |
integer mod_obcreate::ntimes |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::o1 =92950.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::o1_eqi_amp =0.100661_sp |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::o1_eqi_beta =0.695_SP |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mod_obcreate::obc_depth |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable mod_obcreate::obc_h |
real(sp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable mod_obcreate::obc_salt |
real(sp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable mod_obcreate::obc_temp |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable mod_obcreate::obc_x |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable mod_obcreate::obc_y |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mod_obcreate::obc_z |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mod_obcreate::obc_zz |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::p1 =86637.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::p1_eqi_amp =0.046848_sp |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::p1_eqi_beta =0.706_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::q1 =96726.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::q1_eqi_amp =0.019273_sp |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::q1_eqi_beta =0.695_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::s2 =43200.0_SP |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::s2_eqi_amp =0.112743_sp |
real(sp), parameter mod_obcreate::s2_eqi_beta =0.693_SP |
type(time), save mod_obcreate::start |
type(time), save mod_obcreate::step |
character(len=80) mod_obcreate::time_origin |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable mod_obcreate::times |
character(len=80) mod_obcreate::ts_source_file |
character(len=80) mod_obcreate::ts_source_type |
integer, parameter mod_obcreate::tsunit = 102 |