mod_mm5 Module Reference

Data Types

type  mm5_data


subroutine update_mm5 (NOW)
subroutine load_mm5 (WND, HFX, EVP)
type(mm5_data) function, pointer new_data ()
subroutine ioerror (IOS, MSG)
subroutine read_wnd (WNDX, WNDY, STRX, STRY)
subroutine read_hfx (SWR, NHF, LNG, SEN, LAT)
subroutine read_evp (EVP, PRC, PRS, SST, SAT)
subroutine update_wnd_us (NOW, SPDX, SPDY, STRX, STRY)
subroutine update_wnd_rg (NOW, SPDX, SPDY, STRX, STRY)
subroutine update_evp_us (NOW, EVP, PRC, PRS, SST, SAT)
subroutine update_evp_rg (NOW, EVP, PRC, PRS, SST, SAT)
subroutine update_hfx_us (NOW, SWR, NHF, LNG, SEN, LAT)
subroutine update_hfx_rg (NOW, SWR, NHF, LNG, SEN, LAT)


character(len=100), parameter mm5ll = "/hosts/medm-vault/data01/shu/data_source/raw/util/mm5_domain2.ll"
integer, parameter mx =129
integer, parameter ny =102
type(interp_weights) intp_n
type(interp_weights) intp_c
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mm5lon
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mm5lat
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mm5x
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mm5y
type(mm5_data), pointer swr_next
type(mm5_data), pointer swr_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer nhf_next
type(mm5_data), pointer nhf_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer lng_next
type(mm5_data), pointer lng_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer sen_next
type(mm5_data), pointer sen_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer lat_next
type(mm5_data), pointer lat_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer wndx_next
type(mm5_data), pointer wndx_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer wndy_next
type(mm5_data), pointer wndy_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer strx_next
type(mm5_data), pointer strx_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer stry_next
type(mm5_data), pointer stry_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer evp_next
type(mm5_data), pointer evp_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer prc_next
type(mm5_data), pointer prc_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer prs_next
type(mm5_data), pointer prs_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer sst_next
type(mm5_data), pointer sst_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer sat_next
type(mm5_data), pointer sat_prev

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine mod_mm5::ioerror ( integer  IOS,
character(len=*)  MSG 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::load_mm5 ( character(len=*), intent(in)  WND,
character(len=*), intent(in)  HFX,
character(len=*), intent(in)  EVP 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

type(mm5_data) function, pointer mod_mm5::new_data ( )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::read_evp ( type(mm5_data EVP,
type(mm5_data PRC,
type(mm5_data PRS,
type(mm5_data SST,
type(mm5_data SAT 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::read_hfx ( type(mm5_data SWR,
type(mm5_data NHF,
type(mm5_data LNG,
type(mm5_data SEN,
type(mm5_data LAT 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::read_wnd ( type(mm5_data WNDX,
type(mm5_data WNDY,
type(mm5_data STRX,
type(mm5_data STRY 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::update_evp_rg ( type(time)  NOW,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  EVP,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  PRC,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  PRS,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  SST,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  SAT 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::update_evp_us ( type(time)  NOW,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  EVP,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  PRC,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  PRS,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  SST,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  SAT 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::update_hfx_rg ( type(time)  NOW,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  SWR,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  NHF,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  LNG,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  SEN,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  LAT 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::update_hfx_us ( type(time)  NOW,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  SWR,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  NHF,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  LNG,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  SEN,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  LAT 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::update_mm5 ( type(time)  NOW)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::update_wnd_rg ( type(time)  NOW,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  SPDX,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  SPDY,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  STRX,
real(sp), dimension(:,:), pointer  STRY 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine mod_mm5::update_wnd_us ( type(time)  NOW,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  SPDX,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  SPDY,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  STRX,
real(sp), dimension(:), pointer  STRY 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::evp_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::evp_prev
type(interp_weights) mod_mm5::intp_c
type(interp_weights) mod_mm5::intp_n
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::lat_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::lat_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::lng_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::lng_prev
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mod_mm5::mm5lat
character(len=100), parameter mod_mm5::mm5ll = "/hosts/medm-vault/data01/shu/data_source/raw/util/mm5_domain2.ll"
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mod_mm5::mm5lon
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mod_mm5::mm5x
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable mod_mm5::mm5y
integer, parameter mod_mm5::mx =129
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::nhf_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::nhf_prev
integer, parameter mod_mm5::ny =102
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::prc_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::prc_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::prs_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::prs_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::sat_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::sat_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::sen_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::sen_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::sst_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::sst_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::strx_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::strx_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::stry_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::stry_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::swr_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::swr_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::wndx_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::wndx_prev
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::wndy_next
type(mm5_data), pointer mod_mm5::wndy_prev