m_xnldata Module Reference


subroutine xnl_init (sigma, dird, nsigma, ndir, pftail, x_grav, depth,
subroutine xnl_main (aspec, sigma, angle, nsig, ndir, depth, iquad, xnl, diag, iproc, ierror)
subroutine q_addtail (xnl, diag, nsig, na, pf_tail)
subroutine q_allocate
subroutine q_chkconfig
subroutine q_chkcons (xnl, nk, ndir, sum_e, sum_a, sum_mx, sum_my)
subroutine q_chkres (k1x, k1y, k2x, k2y, k3x, k3y, k4x, k4y, dep, sum_kx, sum_ky, sum_w)
subroutine q_cmplocus (ka, kb, km, kw, loclen)
subroutine q_ctrgrid (itask, igrid)
subroutine q_dscale (n, sigma, angle, nsig, nang, depth, grav_w, q_dfac)
subroutine q_error (err_type, err_name, err_msg)
subroutine q_getlocus (ik1, ia1, ik3, ia3, ifnd)
subroutine q_init
real function x_locus1 (k2)
real function x_locus2 (lambda)
subroutine q_locpos (ka, kb, km, kw, loclen)
subroutine q_makegrid
subroutine q_modify
subroutine q_nearest (ik, ia, w1, w2, w3, w4)
subroutine q_polar2 (kmin, kmax, kx_beg, ky_beg, kx_end, ky_end, loclen, ierr)
subroutine q_setconfig (iquad)
subroutine q_searchgrid (depth, igrid)
subroutine q_setversion
subroutine q_stack (mod_name)
subroutine q_summary
subroutine q_symmetry (k1x, k1y, k3x, k3y, k4x, k4y, symfac, nloc)
subroutine q_t13v4 (ik1, ia1, ik3, ia3, t13, diagk1, diagk3)
subroutine q_weight
subroutine q_loc_w1w3 (k1x, k1y, k3x, k3y, npts, k2x, k2y, k4x, k4y, s)
subroutine q_xnl4v4 (aspec, sigma, angle, nsig, nang, depth, xnl, diag, ierror)
real function x_cosk (k)
real function x_cple (k1x, k1y, k2x, k2y, k3x, k3y, k4x, k4y, iq_cple, depth, grav_w)
real function x_flocus (kxx, kyy)
real function x_jacobian (x2, y2, x4, y4)
real function x_disper (k, d)
real function xc_hh (w1x0, w1y0, w2x0, w2y0, w3x0, w3y0, z4x, z4y, h)
real function tanz (x)
real function cosz (x)
real function xc_webb (k1x, k1y, k2x, k2y, k3x, k3y, k4x, k4y, grav_w)


character(len=60) q_version
character(len=20) sub_name
character(len=20) qbase
character(len=20) qf_error
integer iufind
integer iscreen
integer luq_bqf
integer luq_cfg
integer luq_err
integer luq_fil
integer luq_grd
integer luq_int
integer luq_loc
integer luq_log
integer luq_prt
integer luq_trf
integer luq_tst
integer luq_txt
integer luq_t13
real q_grav
real qf_tail
real qf_krat
real qf_dmax
real qf_frac
integer iq_compact
integer iq_cple
integer iq_disp
integer iq_dscale
integer iq_filt
integer iq_gauleg
integer iq_geom
integer iq_grid
integer iq_integ
integer iq_interp
integer iq_locus
integer iq_log
integer iq_lump
integer iq_make
integer iq_mod
integer iq_prt
integer iq_search
integer iq_screen
integer iq_sym
integer iq_tail
integer iq_test
integer iq_trace
integer iq_trf
integer iq_t13
integer iq_xdia
character(len=17) aqname
character(len=17) bqname
character(len=17) lastquadfile
character(len=21) q_header
character(len=21) r_header
logical lq_grid
integer nkq
integer naq
integer ncirc
integer ia_k1
integer ik_k1
integer ia_k3
integer ik_k3
real fqmin
real fqmax
real q_sector
real q_dstep
integer, parameter mq_stack =10
integer mlocus
integer nlocus0
integer nlocus1
integer klocus
integer nlocus
integer nlocusx
real kqmin
real kqmax
real wk_max
real k0x
real k0y
real dk0
real krefx
real krefy
real k1x
real k1y
real k2x
real k2y
real k3x
real k3y
real k4x
real k4y
real px
real py
real pmag
real pang
real sang
real xang
real q
real kmin_loc
real kmax_loc
real kmid
real kmidx
real kmidy
real loc_crf
real loc_area
real loc_xz
real loc_yz
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable quad_nloc
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_ik2
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_ia2
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_ik4
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_ia4
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_w1k2
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_w2k2
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_w3k2
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_w4k2
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_w1k4
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_w2k4
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_w3k4
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_w4k4
real, dimension (:,:,:), allocatable quad_zz
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_t2
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_t4
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_sym
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_jac
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_cple
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable quad_ws
real, dimension(:), allocatable x2_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable y2_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable z_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable s_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable x4_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable y4_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable ds_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable jac_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable cple_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable sym_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable k_pol
real, dimension(:), allocatable c_pol
real, dimension(:), allocatable a_pol
real, dimension(:), allocatable x2_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable y2_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable x4_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable y4_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable z_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable s_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable ds_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable jac_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable cple_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable sym_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable k2m_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable k2a_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable k4m_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable k4a_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable wk_k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable wk_k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable wa_k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable wa_k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable wt_k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable wt_k4
integer, dimension(:), allocatable t_ik2
integer, dimension(:), allocatable t_ia2
integer, dimension(:), allocatable t_ik4
integer, dimension(:), allocatable t_ia4
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_w1k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_w2k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_w3k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_w4k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_w1k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_w2k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_w3k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_w4k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_zz
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_tail2
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_tail4
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_sym
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_cple
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_jac
real, dimension(:), allocatable t_ws
integer, dimension(:), allocatable r_ik2
integer, dimension(:), allocatable r_ia2
integer, dimension(:), allocatable r_ik4
integer, dimension(:), allocatable r_ia4
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_w1k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_w2k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_w3k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_w4k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_w1k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_w2k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_w3k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_w4k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_zz
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_jac
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_cple
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_sym
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_ws
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_tail2
real, dimension(:), allocatable r_tail4
real, dimension(:), allocatable dt13
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_xk
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_sk
real sk_max
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_k
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_dk
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_kpow
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_f
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_df
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_sig
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_dsig
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_cg
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_a
real, dimension(:), allocatable q_ad
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable a
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable nspec
real, dimension(:), allocatable nk1d
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable qnl
integer id_facmax
real q_dird1
real q_dird2
real q_depth
real q_maxdepth
real q_mindepth
real q_lambda
real q_scale
real eps_q
real eps_k
real rel_k
integer iq_stack
character(len=21), dimension(mq_stackcstack
real crf1
integer iaref
integer iamax
integer iaq1
integer iaq2
integer iag1
integer iag2
real q_ang1
real q_ang2
real q_delta
real q_deltad
real q_ffac
real q_kfac
real qk_tail
real ff_tail
integer iq_type
integer iq_err
integer iq_warn
integer mk1a
integer mk1b
integer mk3a
integer mk3b

Function/Subroutine Documentation

real function m_xnldata::cosz ( real  x)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_addtail ( real, dimension(nsig,na), intent(inout)  xnl,
real, dimension(nsig,na), intent(inout)  diag,
integer, intent(in)  nsig,
integer, intent(in)  na,
real, intent(in)  pf_tail 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_allocate ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_chkconfig ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_chkcons ( real, dimension(nk,ndir), intent(in)  xnl,
integer, intent(in)  nk,
integer, intent(in)  ndir,
real, intent(out)  sum_e,
real, intent(out)  sum_a,
real, intent(out)  sum_mx,
real, intent(out)  sum_my 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_chkres ( real, intent(in)  k1x,
real, intent(in)  k1y,
real, intent(in)  k2x,
real, intent(in)  k2y,
real, intent(in)  k3x,
real, intent(in)  k3y,
real, intent(in)  k4x,
real, intent(in)  k4y,
real, intent(in)  dep,
real, intent(out)  sum_kx,
real, intent(out)  sum_ky,
real, intent(out)  sum_w 

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_cmplocus ( real, intent(out)  ka,
real, intent(out)  kb,
real, intent(out)  km,
real, intent(out)  kw,
real, intent(out)  loclen 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_ctrgrid ( integer, intent(in)  itask,
integer, intent(out)  igrid 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_dscale ( real, dimension(nsig,nang), intent(in)  n,
real, dimension(nsig), intent(in)  sigma,
real, dimension(nang), intent(in)  angle,
integer, intent(in)  nsig,
integer, intent(in)  nang,
real, intent(in)  depth,
real, intent(in)  grav_w,
real, intent(out)  q_dfac 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_error ( character(len=1), intent(in)  err_type,
character(len=*), intent(in)  err_name,
character(len=*), intent(in)  err_msg 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_getlocus ( integer, intent(in)  ik1,
integer, intent(in)  ia1,
integer, intent(in)  ik3,
integer, intent(in)  ia3,
integer, intent(out)  ifnd 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_init ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_loc_w1w3 ( real, intent(in)  k1x,
real, intent(in)  k1y,
real, intent(in)  k3x,
real, intent(in)  k3y,
integer, intent(in)  npts,
real, dimension(npts), intent(out)  k2x,
real, dimension(npts), intent(out)  k2y,
real, dimension(npts), intent(out)  k4x,
real, dimension(npts), intent(out)  k4y,
real, dimension(npts), intent(out)  s 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_locpos ( real, intent(out)  ka,
real, intent(out)  kb,
real, intent(out)  km,
real, intent(out)  kw,
real, intent(out)  loclen 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_makegrid ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_modify ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_nearest ( integer, intent(inout)  ik,
integer, intent(inout)  ia,
real, intent(inout)  w1,
real, intent(inout)  w2,
real, intent(inout)  w3,
real, intent(inout)  w4 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_polar2 ( real, intent(in)  kmin,
real, intent(in)  kmax,
real, intent(in)  kx_beg,
real, intent(in)  ky_beg,
real, intent(in)  kx_end,
real, intent(in)  ky_end,
real, intent(in)  loclen,
integer, intent(out)  ierr 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_searchgrid ( real, intent(in)  depth,
integer, intent(out)  igrid 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_setconfig ( integer, intent(in)  iquad)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_setversion ( )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_stack ( character(len=*), intent(in)  mod_name)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_summary ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_symmetry ( real, intent(in)  k1x,
real, intent(in)  k1y,
real, intent(in)  k3x,
real, intent(in)  k3y,
real, dimension(nloc), intent(in)  k4x,
real, dimension(nloc), intent(in)  k4y,
real, dimension(nloc), intent(out)  symfac,
integer, intent(in)  nloc 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_t13v4 ( integer, intent(in)  ik1,
integer, intent(in)  ia1,
integer, intent(in)  ik3,
integer, intent(in)  ia3,
real, intent(out)  t13,
real, intent(out)  diagk1,
real, intent(out)  diagk3 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_weight ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::q_xnl4v4 ( real, dimension(nsig,nang), intent(in)  aspec,
real, dimension(nsig), intent(in)  sigma,
real, dimension(nang), intent(in)  angle,
integer, intent(in)  nsig,
integer, intent(in)  nang,
real, intent(in)  depth,
real, dimension(nsig,nang), intent(out)  xnl,
real, dimension(nsig,nang), intent(out)  diag,
integer, intent(out)  ierror 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real function m_xnldata::tanz ( real  x)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real function m_xnldata::x_cosk ( real, intent(in)  k)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real function m_xnldata::x_cple ( real, intent(in)  k1x,
real, intent(in)  k1y,
real, intent(in)  k2x,
real, intent(in)  k2y,
real, intent(in)  k3x,
real, intent(in)  k3y,
real, intent(in)  k4x,
real, intent(in)  k4y,
integer, intent(in)  iq_cple,
real, intent(in)  depth,
real, intent(in)  grav_w 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real function m_xnldata::x_disper ( real, intent(in)  k,
real, intent(in)  d 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real function m_xnldata::x_flocus ( real, intent(in)  kxx,
real, intent(in)  kyy 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real function m_xnldata::x_jacobian ( real, intent(in)  x2,
real, intent(in)  y2,
real, intent(in)  x4,
real, intent(in)  y4 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real function m_xnldata::x_locus1 ( real, intent(in)  k2)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real function m_xnldata::x_locus2 ( real, intent(in)  lambda)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real function m_xnldata::xc_hh ( real  w1x0,
real  w1y0,
real  w2x0,
real  w2y0,
real  w3x0,
real  w3y0,
real  z4x,
real  z4y,
real  h 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

real function m_xnldata::xc_webb ( real, intent(in)  k1x,
real, intent(in)  k1y,
real, intent(in)  k2x,
real, intent(in)  k2y,
real, intent(in)  k3x,
real, intent(in)  k3y,
real, intent(in)  k4x,
real, intent(in)  k4y,
real, intent(in)  grav_w 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::xnl_init ( real, dimension(nsigma), intent(in)  sigma,
real, dimension(ndir), intent(in)  dird,
integer, intent(in)  nsigma,
integer, intent(in)  ndir,
real, intent(in)  pftail,
real, intent(in)  x_grav,
real, dimension(ndepth), intent(in)  depth 

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine m_xnldata::xnl_main ( real, dimension(nsig,ndir), intent(in)  aspec,
real, dimension(nsig), intent(in)  sigma,
real, dimension(ndir), intent(in)  angle,
integer, intent(in)  nsig,
integer, intent(in)  ndir,
real, intent(in)  depth,
integer, intent(in)  iquad,
real, dimension(nsig,ndir), intent(out)  xnl,
real, dimension(nsig,ndir), intent(out)  diag,
integer, intent(in)  iproc,
integer, intent(out)  ierror 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

real, dimension(:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::a
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::a_pol
character(len=17) m_xnldata::aqname
character(len=17) m_xnldata::bqname
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::c_pol
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::cple_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::cple_mod
real m_xnldata::crf1
character(len=21), dimension(mq_stack) m_xnldata::cstack
real m_xnldata::dk0
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::ds_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::ds_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::dt13
real m_xnldata::eps_k
real m_xnldata::eps_q
real m_xnldata::ff_tail
real m_xnldata::fqmax
real m_xnldata::fqmin
integer m_xnldata::ia_k1
integer m_xnldata::ia_k3
integer m_xnldata::iag1
integer m_xnldata::iag2
integer m_xnldata::iamax
integer m_xnldata::iaq1
integer m_xnldata::iaq2
integer m_xnldata::iaref
integer m_xnldata::id_facmax
integer m_xnldata::ik_k1
integer m_xnldata::ik_k3
integer m_xnldata::iq_compact
integer m_xnldata::iq_cple
integer m_xnldata::iq_disp
integer m_xnldata::iq_dscale
integer m_xnldata::iq_err
integer m_xnldata::iq_filt
integer m_xnldata::iq_gauleg
integer m_xnldata::iq_geom
integer m_xnldata::iq_grid
integer m_xnldata::iq_integ
integer m_xnldata::iq_interp
integer m_xnldata::iq_locus
integer m_xnldata::iq_log
integer m_xnldata::iq_lump
integer m_xnldata::iq_make
integer m_xnldata::iq_mod
integer m_xnldata::iq_prt
integer m_xnldata::iq_screen
integer m_xnldata::iq_search
integer m_xnldata::iq_stack
integer m_xnldata::iq_sym
integer m_xnldata::iq_t13
integer m_xnldata::iq_tail
integer m_xnldata::iq_test
integer m_xnldata::iq_trace
integer m_xnldata::iq_trf
integer m_xnldata::iq_type
integer m_xnldata::iq_warn
integer m_xnldata::iq_xdia
integer m_xnldata::iscreen
integer m_xnldata::iufind
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::jac_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::jac_mod
real m_xnldata::k0x
real m_xnldata::k0y
real m_xnldata::k1x
real m_xnldata::k1y
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::k2a_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::k2m_mod
real m_xnldata::k2x
real m_xnldata::k2y
real m_xnldata::k3x
real m_xnldata::k3y
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::k4a_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::k4m_mod
real m_xnldata::k4x
real m_xnldata::k4y
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::k_pol
integer m_xnldata::klocus
real m_xnldata::kmax_loc
real m_xnldata::kmid
real m_xnldata::kmidx
real m_xnldata::kmidy
real m_xnldata::kmin_loc
real m_xnldata::kqmax
real m_xnldata::kqmin
real m_xnldata::krefx
real m_xnldata::krefy
character(len=17) m_xnldata::lastquadfile
real m_xnldata::loc_area
real m_xnldata::loc_crf
real m_xnldata::loc_xz
real m_xnldata::loc_yz
logical m_xnldata::lq_grid
integer m_xnldata::luq_bqf
integer m_xnldata::luq_cfg
integer m_xnldata::luq_err
integer m_xnldata::luq_fil
integer m_xnldata::luq_grd
integer m_xnldata::luq_int
integer m_xnldata::luq_loc
integer m_xnldata::luq_log
integer m_xnldata::luq_prt
integer m_xnldata::luq_t13
integer m_xnldata::luq_trf
integer m_xnldata::luq_tst
integer m_xnldata::luq_txt
integer m_xnldata::mk1a
integer m_xnldata::mk1b
integer m_xnldata::mk3a
integer m_xnldata::mk3b
integer m_xnldata::mlocus
integer, parameter m_xnldata::mq_stack =10
integer m_xnldata::naq
integer m_xnldata::ncirc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::nk1d
integer m_xnldata::nkq
integer m_xnldata::nlocus
integer m_xnldata::nlocus0
integer m_xnldata::nlocus1
integer m_xnldata::nlocusx
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::nspec
real m_xnldata::pang
real m_xnldata::pmag
real m_xnldata::px
real m_xnldata::py
real m_xnldata::q
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_a
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_ad
real m_xnldata::q_ang1
real m_xnldata::q_ang2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_cg
real m_xnldata::q_delta
real m_xnldata::q_deltad
real m_xnldata::q_depth
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_df
real m_xnldata::q_dird1
real m_xnldata::q_dird2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_dk
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_dsig
real m_xnldata::q_dstep
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_f
real m_xnldata::q_ffac
real m_xnldata::q_grav
character(len=21) m_xnldata::q_header
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_k
real m_xnldata::q_kfac
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_kpow
real m_xnldata::q_lambda
real m_xnldata::q_maxdepth
real m_xnldata::q_mindepth
real m_xnldata::q_scale
real m_xnldata::q_sector
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_sig
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_sk
character(len=60) m_xnldata::q_version
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::q_xk
character(len=20) m_xnldata::qbase
real m_xnldata::qf_dmax
character(len=20) m_xnldata::qf_error
real m_xnldata::qf_frac
real m_xnldata::qf_krat
real m_xnldata::qf_tail
real m_xnldata::qk_tail
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::qnl
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_cple
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_ia2
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_ia4
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_ik2
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_ik4
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_jac
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_nloc
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_sym
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_t2
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_t4
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_w1k2
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_w1k4
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_w2k2
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_w2k4
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_w3k2
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_w3k4
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_w4k2
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_w4k4
real, dimension (:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_ws
real, dimension (:,:,:), allocatable m_xnldata::quad_zz
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_cple
character(len=21) m_xnldata::r_header
integer, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_ia2
integer, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_ia4
integer, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_ik2
integer, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_ik4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_jac
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_sym
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_tail2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_tail4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_w1k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_w1k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_w2k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_w2k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_w3k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_w3k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_w4k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_w4k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_ws
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::r_zz
real m_xnldata::rel_k
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::s_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::s_mod
real m_xnldata::sang
real m_xnldata::sk_max
character(len=20) m_xnldata::sub_name
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::sym_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::sym_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_cple
integer, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_ia2
integer, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_ia4
integer, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_ik2
integer, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_ik4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_jac
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_sym
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_tail2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_tail4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_w1k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_w1k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_w2k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_w2k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_w3k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_w3k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_w4k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_w4k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_ws
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::t_zz
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::wa_k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::wa_k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::wk_k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::wk_k4
real m_xnldata::wk_max
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::wt_k2
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::wt_k4
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::x2_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::x2_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::x4_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::x4_mod
real m_xnldata::xang
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::y2_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::y2_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::y4_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::y4_mod
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::z_loc
real, dimension(:), allocatable m_xnldata::z_mod