all_vars Module Reference
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | n2e3d (NVAR, EVAR) |
subroutine | n2e2d (NVAR, EVAR) |
subroutine | e2n2d (EVAR, NVAR) |
subroutine | e2n3d (EVAR, NVAR) |
subroutine | alloc_vars (dbg_set) |
Variables | |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable | nvg |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | xg |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | yg |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | hg |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | xcg |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | ycg |
real(sp) | vxmin |
real(sp) | vymin |
real(sp) | vxmax |
real(sp) | vymax |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | xm |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | ym |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | xmc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | ymc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | lon |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | lat |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | lonc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | latc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | vx |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | vy |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | xc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | yc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | art |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | art1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | art2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | grav_n |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | grav_e |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | nv |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | nbe |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | ntve |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | ntsn |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | isonb |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | isonb_w |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | isbc |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | isbce |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | iec |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | ienode |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | nbsn |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | niec |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | ntrg |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | nbve |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | nbvt |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | lisbce_1 |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | lisbce_2 |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | lisbce_3 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | dltxc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | dltyc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | dltxyc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | sitae |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | xijc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | yijc |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | xije |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | yije |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | dltxe |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | dltye |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | dltxye |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | sitac |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | epor |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dltxncve |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dltyncve |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dltytrie |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dltxtrie |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dltxecec |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dltyecec |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dltxnec |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dltynec |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | ibclsf_gl |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | rbc_geo_gl |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | rbc_wdf_gl |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wdf_ang |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wdf_dist |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | ibclsf |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | ibclsf_output |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | nbclsf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | rbc_geo |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | rbc_wdf |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | z |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | zz |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dz |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dzz |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | z1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | zz1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dz1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | dzz1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | ua |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | va |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | uaf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | vaf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | uark |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | vark |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | uard |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | vard |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | cor |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | f_alfa |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | h1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | d1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | dt1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | el1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | et1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | elrk1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | elf1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | dtfa |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | cc_sponge |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | h |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | dt |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | el |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | et |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | egf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | elrk |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | elf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | elf_eqi |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | elrk_eqi |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | el_eqi |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | egf_eqi |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | elf_atmo |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | elrk_atmo |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | el_atmo |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | egf_atmo |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | elf_air |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | elrk_air |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | el_air |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | egf_air |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | vort |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | cbc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | cc_z0b |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | swrad_watts |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wtsurf_watts |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | swrad |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wtsurf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wusurf2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wvsurf2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wubot |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wvbot |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | taubm |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wubot_n |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wvbot_n |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | taubm_n |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wusurf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wvsurf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wusurf_save |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wvsurf_save |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | bfwdis |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | bfwdis2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | bfwtmp |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | bfwslt |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | icing_wndx |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | icing_wndy |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | icing_satmp |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | icing_0kts |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | icing_10kts |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | inodeq |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | icellq |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | n_icellq |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | vqdist |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target | riv_gl2loc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | qdis |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | qdis2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | tdis |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | sdis |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | qarea |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | rdisq |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | angleq |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | vlctyq |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | uuwind |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | vvwind |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | qprec2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | qevap2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | qprec |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | qevap |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | whs |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wdir |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wper |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wlength |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wper_bot |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | wub_bot |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | pstx |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | psty |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | advua |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | advva |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | adx2d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | ady2d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | drx2d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | dry2d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | tps |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | advx |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | advy |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | u |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | v |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | ubeta |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | vbeta |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | ubeta2d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | vbeta2d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | partition |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | w |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | ww |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | uf |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | vf |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | wt |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | rho |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | rmean |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | t |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | tmean |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | s |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | smean |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | q2 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | l |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | q2l |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | km |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | kh |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | kq |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | aam |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | q2f |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | q2lf |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | km1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | cc_hvc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable | nn_hvc |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | t1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | s1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | rho1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | tf1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | sf1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | tmean1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | smean1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | rmean1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | wts |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | wtts |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | drhox |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | drhoy |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | a1u |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | a2u |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | awx |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | awy |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | aw0 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | alpha |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | phpn |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | pfpxb |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | pfpyb |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | sita_gd |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | ah_bottom |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | u_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | v_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | w_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | km_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | kh_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | t_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | s_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | r_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target | el_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | viscofh |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | viscofm |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target | hyw |
Function/Subroutine Documentation
subroutine all_vars::alloc_vars | ( | logical, intent(in) | dbg_set | ) |
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine all_vars::e2n2d | ( | real(sp), dimension(0:nt), intent(in) | EVAR, |
real(sp), dimension(0:mt), intent(inout) | NVAR | ||
) |
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine all_vars::e2n3d | ( | real(sp), dimension(0:nt,1:kb), intent(in) | EVAR, |
real(sp), dimension(0:mt,1:kb), intent(inout) | NVAR | ||
) |
subroutine all_vars::n2e2d | ( | real(sp), dimension(0:mt), intent(in) | NVAR, |
real(sp), dimension(0:nt), intent(inout) | EVAR | ||
) |
Here is the caller graph for this function:
subroutine all_vars::n2e3d | ( | real(sp), dimension(0:mt,1:kb), intent(in) | NVAR, |
real(sp), dimension(0:nt,1:kb), intent(inout) | EVAR | ||
) |
Here is the caller graph for this function:
Variable Documentation
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::a1u |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::a2u |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::aam |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::advua |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::advva |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::advx |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::advy |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::adx2d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ady2d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ah_bottom |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::alpha |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::angleq |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::art |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::art1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::art2 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::aw0 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::awx |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::awy |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::bfwdis |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::bfwdis2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::bfwslt |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::bfwtmp |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::cbc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable all_vars::cc_hvc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::cc_sponge |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::cc_z0b |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::cor |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::d1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltxc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltxe |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltxecec |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltxncve |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltxnec |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltxtrie |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltxyc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltxye |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltyc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltye |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltyecec |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltyncve |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltynec |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dltytrie |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::drhox |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::drhoy |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::drx2d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::dry2d |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::dt |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::dt1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::dtfa |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dz |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dz1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dzz |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::dzz1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::egf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::egf_air |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::egf_atmo |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::egf_eqi |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::el |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::el1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::el_air |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::el_atmo |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::el_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::el_eqi |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::elf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::elf1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::elf_air |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::elf_atmo |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::elf_eqi |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::elrk |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::elrk1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::elrk_air |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::elrk_atmo |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::elrk_eqi |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::epor |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::et |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::et1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::f_alfa |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::grav_e |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::grav_n |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::h |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::h1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable all_vars::hg |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::hyw |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ibclsf |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ibclsf_gl |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ibclsf_output |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::icellq |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::icing_0kts |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::icing_10kts |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::icing_satmp |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::icing_wndx |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::icing_wndy |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::iec |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::ienode |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::inodeq |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::isbc |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::isbce |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::isonb |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::isonb_w |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::kh |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::kh_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::km |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::km1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::km_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::kq |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::l |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::lat |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::latc |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::lisbce_1 |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::lisbce_2 |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::lisbce_3 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::lon |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::lonc |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::n_icellq |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::nbclsf |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::nbe |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::nbsn |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::nbve |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::nbvt |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::niec |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable all_vars::nn_hvc |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ntrg |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ntsn |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ntve |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::nv |
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable all_vars::nvg |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::partition |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::pfpxb |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::pfpyb |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::phpn |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::pstx |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::psty |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::q2 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::q2f |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::q2l |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::q2lf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::qarea |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::qdis |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::qdis2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::qevap |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::qevap2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::qprec |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::qprec2 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::r_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::rbc_geo |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::rbc_geo_gl |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::rbc_wdf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::rbc_wdf_gl |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::rdisq |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::rho |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::rho1 |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::riv_gl2loc |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::rmean |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::rmean1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::s |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::s1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::s_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::sdis |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::sf1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::sita_gd |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::sitac |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::sitae |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::smean |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::smean1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::swrad |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::swrad_watts |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::t |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::t1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::t_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::taubm |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::taubm_n |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::tdis |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::tf1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::tmean |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::tmean1 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::tps |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::u |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::u_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ua |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::uaf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::uard |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::uark |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::ubeta |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable all_vars::ubeta2d |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::uf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::uuwind |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::v |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::v_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::va |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::vaf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::vard |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::vark |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::vbeta |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable all_vars::vbeta2d |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::vf |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::viscofh |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::viscofm |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::vlctyq |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::vort |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::vqdist |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::vvwind |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::vx |
real(sp) all_vars::vxmax |
real(sp) all_vars::vxmin |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::vy |
real(sp) all_vars::vymax |
real(sp) all_vars::vymin |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::w |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::w_ave |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wdf_ang |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wdf_dist |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wdir |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::whs |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wlength |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wper |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wper_bot |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::wt |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::wts |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wtsurf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wtsurf_watts |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::wtts |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wub_bot |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wubot |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wubot_n |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wusurf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wusurf2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wusurf_save |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wvbot |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wvbot_n |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wvsurf |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wvsurf2 |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::wvsurf_save |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::ww |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::xc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable all_vars::xcg |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable all_vars::xg |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::xijc |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::xije |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::xm |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::xmc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::yc |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable all_vars::ycg |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable all_vars::yg |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::yijc |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::yije |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ym |
real(sp), dimension(:), allocatable, target all_vars::ymc |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::z |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::z1 |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::zz |
real(sp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, target all_vars::zz1 |